I understand running is not for everyone. Whether you struggle to run 100 yards, a 5 or 15km route that’s ok. Everybody struggles at some point with running. So what’s the point in running?
This article was written last year (2021). At that stage I decided to hold back on its publication until the time felt right. Now is that time. I hope you enjoy the read....
The Christmas Bulge is inevitable, right? Everybody I know appears to put on at least ½ stone over the Christmas period every year. I mean, come on., it stands to reason that eating all that pudding and drinking all that booze is bound to result in weight gain. There’s just no escape... or is there?
Now is the perfect time to start planning your contingencies for Christmas. With three weeks to go, Christmas parties are about to begin and families are gathering for the annual festivities.
Disruption to your sleep, snoring, increased daily blood sugars, stress and anxiety are just some of the symptoms from chronic mouth breathing all day and at night. But is all mouth breathing bad for you?
You can read all the books, listen to all the podcasts and delve into the scientific literature all you like but the only way you are going to know if Breath Training works for you is if you experience it for yourself. In my life experience, I have come to know that Breathing really Works. Breathing can enhance performance up to 110% in just 3 minutes. I’ll prove it to you by giving you the test protocol at the end of this article.
Back in March 2020 Damien Browne posted a 14 Day Burpee Challenge to Instagram. The goal was to perform as many hand-release Burpees in a minute on day one. On each subsequent day you have to beat your previous score in the same time and then add another minute of torture! Ireland had just entered a national lockdown and with nothing better to do I decided it would be an easy way to keep myself occupied. Boy was I wrong. It was a horrible challenge (which I secretly loved, lol). You can read more about my first experience of the 14 Day Burpee Challenge by clicking here. Afterwards, I swore I’d never do something so stupid again. Fast forward eighteen months later and I’m back at it again for a second time. So why, oh why, did I do the Burpee Challenge Again? Read on and you’ll find out my reasons as well as what I got from it this time around! But first let me give you some context.
New Year’s Resolutions. Most trainers are now advocating you shouldn’t write them. They think it is fickle. Something you will stop doing within a few days or weeks at most. And while that might sound like a wise decision, I don’t think we should throw the baby out with the bath tub. In fact, I think New Years is a great time to set goals and refine the life you want. Here are 3 reasons Why You Should write New Year’s Resolutions.